"Historical fiction has long been a popular genre; it attempts to capture the manners and spirit of period with exacting detail. In particular, antebellum ('before the war' - usually references the American Civil War) fiction focuses the readers attention on not only the battle itself, but imagines the psychological and philosophical struggles of its protagonists. This series is a collection of novels that go beyond the battlefield to capture the struggles on the home front. While three of the novels are contemporary imaginings of the War Between the States, "Clotel" and "Little Women" capture the sentimentality and reality of the era. In a novel like "Clotel," though, we see an early example of sensationalism and myth-making with the fictional tale recounting the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. In reading "March" and "Little Women" back to back, we can discuss the private struggles of the March sisters, and the public battles and pain of the March patriarch. Each book leads us to further question the costs and merits of war." ~ Kami Hancock
August - SKIP
September 17th - Marty
Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
October 15th - Alanna
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Also available free for Kindle (follow the link above, Amazon won't allow a link)
November 19th - Mary
March: A Novel by Geraldine Brooks
Also available on Kindle (follow the link above, Amazon won't allow a link)
December 17th Wednesday, December 16th - Kathy
The Shack by William P Young
Also available on Kindle (follow the link above, Amazon won't allow a link)
January 21, 2010 - Ann G
The Black Flower: A Novel of the Civil War by Howard Bahr
February 18th - Sharon
Clotel: Or, The President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States (Bedford Cultural Editions) by William Wells Brown
There are several other editions, including several different Kindle editions.
March ?? - location TBD
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Several editions, including audio and Kindle versions.